Talk about being MIA…

Jeebus. I went MIA for way too long. No excuses, honestly, except maybe that I was just too busy enjoying the holidays? I don’t really know, but I can’t really guarantee that I won’t go MIA again, but at least I have a pretty good reason for why I won’t be around… We’re leaving for Disney World in 2 weeks. Seems like yesterday I was talking about how we’d just booked our trip… Weird, huh? Last night I made an awesome countdown for our final days; here’s a few photos of it/us taking down day 15 this morning:

So yeah, 14 days. I’m thinking what I might end up doing is this epic trip report once we’re back, of all our days in Disney World, so people can see what our trip was like. It might be fun to do anyway, and would be a great excuse to update my blog on a daily basis. 🙂

Outside of getting ready for our trip, Christmas was excellent. We’ve been doing a lot of playing with our gifts! I got one of those ice cream maker attachments for my KitchenAid stand mixer and so Matt and I worked together on making our first ice cream together! We decided to do a white chocolate Oreo ice cream. It was AMAZING.

We followed a custard recipe from a booked called The Perfect Scoop (and also after seeing Kim’s custard recipes turn out AMAZING over on her blog Domestocrat) and I can’t see us making it any other way! It’s a little bit of a process (you have to temper the egg yolks and basically not scramble them), but it’s REALLY cool to make your own ice cream and then enjoy the crap out of it. We’re thinking about making another one for this weekend… Maple walnut is sounding kind of tasty!

Outside of that, we’ve also been watching Cheers (season 1), which has actually been wonderful. I grew up watching re-runs here and there, but never really got into it since I was all of like.. 2 when the show started. But I love it. It brings me back to Boston and makes me smile in every episode.

While Matt’s been enjoying Skyrim and Zelda for the Wii, I’ve been playing a TON of Super Mario 3Dland. It’s seriously so addicting and has become one of my more favorite Mario games in recent years. I don’t think it beats out Super Mario World from the SNES, but it’s most certainly a really fun game to play through and I can see myself playing it again. I’ve also enjoyed playing Mario Kart 7… Honestly, both of those games have reminded me why I’m really happy to have a 3DS.

On the weight loss front, well, I’ve gotta be honest. I haven’t weighed myself in a month or more. Why? Because we took a little break from counting calories around the holidays… aaaand I’m not regretting it. However, what IS awesome is come yesterday, we were both ready to get back to eating healthy and it was actually really refreshing to have a salad for lunch and turkey tacos for dinner. Also, I worked up a sweat playing Kinect Sports Season 2, and today is a day at the gym, so I’m pretty happy with how we are adjusting to getting back to eating healthy again. Of course, this is only going to last for 2 more weeks because then we’re on vacation (and we get to enjoy lots of restaurants and delicious food, while managing to walk a TON of miles around the parks), but it’s been nice to be back to healthy eating again.

Do I think I gained weight over the holidays? Without a doubt. But I’m not upset by it because I know I’ve still got this, I’m living my life in a different way now. My normal eating habits are 10 times healthier than they’ve ever been, and outside of holidays and vacation, I’m going to continue to lose this weight. I’m in a really great place right now with this, and even with the knowledge that I probably gained weight, I’m okay with that. It’s a great feeling, honestly.

Uhh, aside from all of THAT, I finished my 365 day photo project! I’m so proud of myself for that, too. I have a really awesome plan for all of the photos I took, so be on the lookout for when I make a blog post about the whole thing. I’ll save my discussions of the photos for that post, because I think it’ll be REALLY awesome to look back. Also, it became such a part of my life that I decided to start a new project, 366 (it’s a leap year!) days, 366 photos. I just couldn’t say no. 🙂

That’s about it on my front for now. It’s definitely in my NY resolutions to make more of an effort to blog, I swear. It’s just sometimes hard to find the time, honestly, but it’s not much of an excuse. I’ll definitely update you guys the closer I get to our trip, which is what I’ve spent a LOT of my time writing about as of late, but I figure unless you love Disney as much as I do, this blog would probably become boring to most of you quite quickly. Buuuut if you enjoy hearing about Disney trips, well, my blog posts after our trip should be pretty entertaining.


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2 responses to “Talk about being MIA…

  1. Sounds like everything is going awesome. Happy New Year!!

    • Thanks, it is pretty a-okay right now! Also, I’m a total dolt and forgot to mention you and your ice cream delightfulness, but I fixed that because your recipes are part of the reason I got my attachment in the first place! 🙂

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