ABCs of the weekend: Apple, Bridesmaids, and Cookies

Wow, so in retrospect, this weekend was actually a pretty awesome weekend. It was busy, but in a good way. Friday Matt and I were planning on making a trip to the Apple store so Matt could finally buy his MacBook Air he’s wanted for awhile. We talked back and forth while both at work and finally decided that I could also get an iPad 2 if I wanted to. I love my iMac, but that is upstairs in our office… And unfortunately my MacBook is starting to slowly crap the bed cosmetically.

The battery died, the power cord is literally frayed and showing wires, so having something that would be easily portable for me to take to work or on trips or just to browse the internet while hanging out downstairs makes sense. So we left work early and went to the Apple store over at UVillage, and got Matt his super sleek MacBook Air and myself an iPad 2! I’m actually writing this post from my iPad, and I have to say that it’s pretty awesome to have.

I was totally one of those people who thought iPads were just oversized iPhones, but I have to say they’re actually really cool. I’ll definitely bring mine with me to work for taking notes in meetings, etc. And it’s nice to have for browsing online while hanging out downstairs. The apps are really cool; streaming Netflix will be nice to have on flights where Wifi is available, and I found an app that has tons of free documentaries for me to watch as well… Anyway, we got those and then spent Friday night setting up our stuff and relaxing.

Saturday we got up early, did our weigh-in (Matt lost 7.2 pounds and I lost 3.6, woo!), had a light breakfast, then headed out to see Bridesmaids. This has literally been the one movie I’d been waiting for. I love Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Melissa McCarthy (um hey I loved her as Sookie on Gilmore Girls!), and anything that is directed by Paul Feig and produced by Judd Apatow pretty much makes me want to dance. Needless to say, I loved the shit out of that movie. It was so awesome to see a primarily female cast be hilarious and show that they sure as hell could run a movie that was funny but had a lot of heart at the same time.

This wasn’t your typical chick flick rom-com movie; this was funny and actually good! I’ve heard that conservative predictions think it’s brought in 24.4 million which is great, though I’m hoping it’s closer to 30 by the end of the weekend. Everyone should go see this; I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face and also got a little choked up at times, too. I can’t wait til it comes out on DVD. Hooray for funny women, (seriously). I know I’ve pushed this movie hard on Twitter and other places (it’s probably annoying but I don’t really give a shit), but I feel so strong about it doing well and really setting things up for future movies based around smart and funny women, so please go see it.

Okay, so we went out for our cheat/fun lunch to The Rock, ate delicious food that later made my stomach angry, raced home to make sure we were home in time to do a quick clean-up the house and then wait for Beefo to come over and do a run-through of the house. Unfortunately we had to miss out on our cousin Laura’s daughter Kaleigh’s first birthday party (who is seriously the cutest friggin’ baby), but it was good to see Beefo and let the pups hang out with him for a bit. We chatted and caught up on life and walked him through the house (he’s watching the dogs and is house-sitting for us while we’re in Boston this upcoming weekend for Kim and John‘s wedding).

After Beefo left, we made a much-needed Costco run. They have the best chicken noodle soup that is around 110 calories per cup, so we picked up some of that for work lunches. We also grabbed our favorite tortillas for lunches, and a new cookbook by Rocco Dispirito that has some awesome-sounding light recipes that I can’t wait to try. We got home and settled in for the night, watching Matilda on TV (go ahead and laugh at me) and then SNL with Ed Helms.

Sunday we slept til 9:30, got up and I ran to the grocery store to get stuff for our salad Matt was going to make for dinner, along with a few other things. Got home and I made us those awesome whole wheat-buttermilk waffles for breakfast. We played video games and lazed around until Bruce and Amy came over for dinner and TV shows.

Amy made an amazing BBQ chicken pizza, Matt made a great apple, feta, pecan, and cranberry salad, and I made peanut butter chip coconut cookies. We had a great dinner, caught up on Game of Thrones and watched the Survivor finale (so happy Boston Rob won finally, and that Phillip burnt his saggy pink undies!) and just had a great night with some of our best friends.

I love having friends like that; ones you can totally feel comfortable just hanging out with, not having to feel like you have to entertain them at all times, and just always have a good time with. I’m pretty thankful we have Bruce and Amy so close by to hang out with.

Great weekend that honestly lifted my spirits. This week is a 4-day work week then we’re off to Boston! It should be a great trip (albeit a short one), but I’m looking forward to seeing my family and then our friends get married!


Filed under Healthy cooking, Photography, Weekend

3 responses to “ABCs of the weekend: Apple, Bridesmaids, and Cookies

  1. I spy the new Cooking Light! It’s SUCH a good issue!

  2. Sorry, I hastily replied and realize now I had more thoughts…

    I totally agree with you on Bridesmaids, it was even better than I thought it was going to be. Wiig wasted on the plane made me DIE laughing.

    Also, can’t wait to see you guys this weekend!!!!!!!! (OMG IT’S THIS WEEKEND)

    • 1. YES! I saw it at the supermarket and wanted to buy it because everyone and their Mom has been telling me it’s an awesome magazine to have. I think I’ll probably get us a subscription.

      2. Yeah, the movie was so friggin funny. Between her being wasted on the plane (I loved the part where she put on sunglasses, hahahaha), and Megan (Melissa McCarthy) insisting that guy was a field marshal/hitting on him.. Oh my God I loved it. Also, I was totally in love with Rhodes, cutest cop ever. I just really adored that movie.

      3. It is mind-boggling that we will be at your wedding in less than a week. I feel like you were just counting down like 200 days left and now it’s the week of. So exciting!!

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